I could not be prouder of my future husband. This weekend he graduated with his Masters in Business Administration with an emphasis in finance from Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee. We were very fortunate that we got to go to Cookeville on Friday and go to our favorite places. Greyson lived in Cookeville during the first four years of our relationship. Over those four years it became another home to me. We made a lot of good friends there. We went to our favorite Mexican Restaurant El Tap and then met up with some of our good friends at Spankey’s, which is by far our favorite bar. However, we didn’t stay long. We must be getting too old. The band on the patio was too loud so we decided to venture over to Venny T’s where we could actually hear each other talk. We had a great time catching up and we ran into some more old friends there too. And the night ended on the best note, a pizza roll from T-Mart. HA HA!
The next morning Greyson had to leave early for graduation. His mother met me later that morning. When we got into the gymnasium I felt like we were on the scene of Forest Gump where he is on the school bus and the kids are yelling “seat taken”. We were there an hour early and apparently that was not early enough. I think every family sent one family member at 7 am that morning to stake out there spot. We finally found a spot and we were very close to Greyson. By the time Greyson’s name was called the graduation ceremony had been going on for three hours. Greyson snuck out the back after his name was called because he had to be at work that afternoon.
This week Greyson has another milestone. He is playing a qualifier for his first golf tournament as a professional at the state open in Dickson. He is worked so hard for these things and I am so proud of him. I know God has great plans for him and I am honored that I get to be a part of those. My prayer right now is that God opens the doors that He wants open for us and He closes the doors He doesn’t want us to go through. And that no matter what we give HIM the glory.
19 DAYS!
Awesome! :o)