
Best Daddy in the World

Many may claim that they have the best daddy in the world but I promise you mine really is the best : ). His love and sacrifices for my family are incomparable. He’s the hardest worker I know and has the best work ethic. I don’t think he’s ever had a normal 40 hour work week. He’s never taken a 7 day vacation (until next week), never had a sick day or ever arrived at work late. Yet he never missed a school play, PTO meeting, tennis match, church choir production or anything for that matter. He also never walked through the front door and didn’t show my mother that she is number one in his life. He is my best friend, my number one fan and my soundboard for everything in my life. I consider him the wisest person I know. He came from humble beginnings and knew his destiny was his own. And that no one else could create a great life for him other than himself and that is exactly what he did. I am who I am today all because of the precious man who is my “daddy”.

Happy Father’s Day!


G and I just got back from vacation on Friday afternoon. We went to St. Simmons Island, GA. It was ah-mazing. I wish I could have stayed all summer. I told G I was going to put in an application at one of the local restaurants and he could leave me there and I would think about coming back sometime in the fall. We went with his family (mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, nephew and niece).

Here’s some pics from the week….

Greyson, me and Nancy
Lady and Sons', Paula Deen's restaurant in Savannah, GA

Michael, Isaiah, Greyson and Bill showing off their big catches from their deep sea fishing trip.

Me on one of the bikes at our rental house. They had all kinds of fun stuff for us there at the house to use.

Greyson and I before our date

Isaiah and Evelyn