My 30 Days of Thanks:1. This list is not in any particular order but this #1 is truly my #1- My Lord and Savior. I beyond thankful to know my Savior on a personal level. I view it as a distinct pleasure that I can call on His name anytime. His presence in my life is humbling.
2. My husband. I am thankful to be married to one of the most thoughtful human beings on the face of the earth. He amazes me every day.
3. My daddy- yes, I may be 26 years old but he will always be “my daddy”. He along with my husband is one of the greatest men I know. Hardly ever does a day go by that I don’t talk to him. He is my friend, my mentor and my rock.
4. My momma- I am thankful my mom leads her life by showing by example and not by telling. Every time I cook for someone who is sick or just had a baby, put a care package together or volunteer- I know without a doubt who I learned it from. I was never told to do these things. I was shown how to do them.
5. Libby, I know she is a dog but she brings so much joy to Greyson and me. We never get tired of seeing how excited she is to see us when we come home each day.
6. Realizing I’ve never wanted anything more. Not too long ago G and I were driving down the road and I said, “You know, I’ve never wanted anything more”. We don’t have it all but I have the things I’ve wanted most in my life. I have a loving husband, a great job and an amazing family.
7. My mother-in-law. I want to come up with a new name for her soon because mother-in-law does not seem fitting. She has very much become my second mother. She is there whenever I need her and is always surprising me with her love for us.
8. New friends.
9. Old friends.
10. Leadership Rutherford. I am honored and privilege to be among this group of 40 individuals who motivate me and make me laugh harder than any other group I know.
11. Business Women’s Council. I am humbled to be a part of this council and have met some awesome women in the process.
12. MYP. I am thankful to see this organization grow by leaps and bounds this year.
13. My promotion at work earlier this year.
14. The challenges of each new day at work. Hardly ever does a day pass by at the hotel that I do not leave feeling like I have learned something new. This isn’t something that is easy to always be thankful for though : ) .
15. Greyson’s new job.
16. The ability to spend more time with my husband. This is a first for us. All we’ve ever known in our relationship is either long distance or strenuous schedules.
17. Evelyn*
18. Isaiah*
19. John Keith*
20. Kayden* Our niece and nephews. These little ones hold a very special place in our hearts.
21. My “roots”. I am very thankful for how I was raised and the principles that were installed in me.
22. Rutherford County. I know it may sound funny but I am very thankful to live and work where I do. We have such an awesome community here and a lot to be thankful for.
23. Our safe home.
24. Sweet memories of this year. And there have been a lot of them.
25. New lives. It is the year for babies! (Don’t expect one from us anytime soon though.)
26. Prayer warriors- I love having a great group of friends that I can call on whenever I need some extra prayers.
27. My health.
28. Greyson’s health.
29. My great team at work. I couldn’t do without my Alyssa and Deb.
30. The simple blessing of each new day.