
TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!

Wow, just the title of the post is a little surreal to me. I don’t know how in the world my wedding is two days away. It’s almost like you spend all those months planning and counting down that you never really expect it to be here and then it is. I am working today and going to try and have a normal day but I don’t know how realistic that goal is for me. As much as I would love to be at home just hanging out with Mom by the pool work has been a great distraction for the most part. Amazingly everything is crossed off my to-do list except just a few minute last things. I need to transfer some songs onto my i-pod for when the band takes a break, pick up my prescriptions, manicure and pedicure tonight, finish packing for the honeymoon and pay bills before I leave town.

Beside the threat of a few pop up thunderstorms, I have a great peace about everything. I am looking forward to spending some quality time tomorrow with my bridesmaids. We are having a bridesmaid luncheon at Arrington Vineyards and then a slumber party last night at the cabins at Lairdland. It’s kind of funny one of my bridesmaids texted me last night and said I can’t believe Friday night is our last slumber party. I replied back “says who”. I love each of my bridesmaids so much. They have all blessed me so much. I am honored to have them in my wedding and more importantly my life.

I am also excited about the love we will be surrounded by on Saturday. I contemplated going off to get married but I kept going back to the fact that when else in life are you going to have all your loved ones in one place. We both are going to have so many people who have traveled near and far to be a part of our special day. It overwhelms me to think about our guest list and all the love that will be present on Saturday. I am actually tearing up as I write this. We both have cousins traveling over 12 hours to be with us.

With all of this emotion hitting me now, I know I will probably need my makeup touched up or redone after the ceremony. If you know me you know I am a crier. I cry when I am sad and even more so when I am happy. I thank God for these emotions though because there is no greater feeling than to be loved and surrounded by love.

Well, the next post I’ll be a married woman. I will be sure to blog about the big day when I get back from my honeymoon!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Amy! I know you will be a beautiful bride! Remember to enjoy every single second of your big day!!
