
Happy Father's Day

I'm so thankful that at 45 years old my dad didn't think he was too old to start all over and have another child. I'm beyond blessed to have Billy S. as my dad. I'm not only thankful to have him as my dad but I realize there was a great advantage to having an older dad. While I certainly didn't always love it growing up (like when the lady at the grocery store asked if I was having fun with my grandpa), I see now the many benefits that I reaped. I often times have a completely different outlook on life than many of my peers. I mostly credit that to my father who was born in 1939. While my beginnings were no where as humble as his, he still installed in me the value of a dollar and hard work. He also lived a life of integrity for me to witness. When I was little I asked why he went into work so early since he was the boss. I will never forget him telling me he wouldn't require something from someone else that he didn't require from himself.
I often find myself quoting my dad or sharing his wisdom with others. His wise counsel is one I consult and consider countless times on a daily basis. From situations at work to buying a new house, I turn to him. He is my voice of reason. There is nothing my dad would not do and has not done for me. I love you, Dad!

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